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What I want as my Legacy

I do not know what I shall leave behind as my legacy. My legacy would mean different things to different people. My daughters and sons will receive a legacy quite different from what my wife would. Their opinions about it would differ. Same guy, different relationships.
If someone thrusts a mic in my face and asks "What do you want your legacy to be?", here's what I would say;
I want to be a good parent. I want to be the kind of dad whose children will not be scared to share deepest secrets with. It takes a lot of hard work to get there but that is what I want. I also want to be a father of great children. I think raising another generation of thoughtful, kind and responsible humans is an important legacy.

One of my heart desires is finding someone to share my life with and helping her be the best of herself. Most importantly helping her achieve her God-ordained destiny. Then overdosing her with love on a daily.

My friends should be able to say I helped them become better persons. I think I give them wise advice. A few may beg to differ (haha), and then we have good times. I think the memories we share should count for something. Also the future we'll build together is enough legacy. A company that endures 10 years with a turnover in millions of USD is a legacy good enough.

My students should have the knowledge I stuff in their brains as my legacy to them. I sometimes think they'll forget me, but again that doesn't matter, I am not after building monuments to myself in their minds. I just want to open their eyes to possibilities not limited by geography.

To the rest of the world, I owe you nothing - nothing but unparalleled awesomeness, and creativity. I strongly have it in mind to leave this world empty. I can't go to heaven with my several ideas and concepts and stories. This would be my legacy to the world, my ideas, thoughts, and stories.


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