It's okay to say you're not okay
It's not out of place to have a bad day
Pause and play back the good memories
Then let's press forward
You'll be fine
Have faith, you'll be fine.
- I Galadima
There'll be bad days, that's a given. There'll be stormy seasons. Everyone goes through rough times and I understand that. What I however don't understand is when people try to cover their rough times and say all is well when obviously nothing is. They call it faith, but I believe it is denial.
Faith needs a situation to act. Take for instance you are working on a project and you need a breakthrough. You denying that you are at a dry point is not faith, you admitting that you are at a dry point but will have a breakthrough (and working towards it) is faith.
I think having faith doesn't make us super human such that we deny our situations. So if you are sad or going through depression, don't say you are alright 'out of faith'. You're not. Rather, address the issue with faith, that is by admitting you're going through rough times and totally rely on God for help to get you through it all.
Stoicism is not a really fruit of the spirit, patience is. Going through the Bible we have many examples of how to deal with hard times. Job. Jesus. Jesus.
Jesus wept at the death of his friend notwithstanding the fact that he had faith to wake him up. Did weeping make Him a faithless sissy? No!
Even when He was on the cross, he cried and groaned. "Eli Eli lama sabacthani", "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?" He didn't say "Guys, guys I'm ok this is just a pinch. I'll soon be outta here".
So, if you are down, feeling depressed that you are out of a job, or worried that you are ready to marry and nothing is working, you need money or you're battling poor health - whatever that is giving you pain - no need to deny it. You should be honest with it and if need be talk to someone about it.
Have faith that God will see you through it all. That's it is.
Good one buddy .