"The importance of getting older is wisdom" As heard from the rapper Vblaiz In some hours the year would end and we'll all jump into 2019. Not surprisingly just as the year ends I'll turn a year older. What have I learned this year? Here are some of the lessons and experiences this year and I'll start with the bad ones. This year someone I really cared about made a bad choice. A teenager getting pregnant is not really a cool thing, not under any circumstance. This incident really hurt me and I felt as though it was my fault somehow. It took a while before I had some relief. I never got to talk to her through all of it, yet the guilt was severe. I can't really think of any lesson here yet, maybe the lesson I should take home is this "what is not my fault is not my fault". This year I relocated to Jos on a semi-permanent basis. I learned what it meant to live in a divided city ravaged by conflict and hatred from my stay there. I realized that when...
This is my own slice off the web. Yea! I post my thoughts, poems, short stories, and my ideas here. What you see here are my perceptions of the world as it spins by every day. Have fun reading, feel free to share your thoughts with me too.