The morning was damp with dew; angry clouds had fought
and conquered the sunrise leaving the morning with a dusk effect. Damp was the
word. Toby sat on the dining table with a dampened spirit. Silence pervaded the
room save for his labored breathing and the distant humming of a lawn mower
that came along with the scent of freshly cut grass which Toby always found
soul-lifting except today. Toby sat at the large glass topped table giving the
leather bound notebook a stony gaze.
Twenty minutes ago Toby had a day to look forward to,
at the moment everything was standing on its head. How little it takes for a
good day to get ruined. Victor! If only he had stopped Victor from leaving the
house. Images of Victor presented themselves one after another in Toby’s mind,
leaving only when they instigated tears. Victor had been Toby’s best friend.
They had been friends since birth, having been born a day apart. Although
victor and Toby were so much not alike in attitudes, they got along fine.
Victor was adventurous, daring and carefree (more of the in-your-face kind of
guy), Toby on the other hand was practical, logical, reserved and spent
most of his waking moments being the
conscience of the friendship.
Today was Victor’s birthday, and being best friends Toby
had suggested they throw a joint party (Afterall Toby’s birthday was on
Monday). Victor had gone to purchase drinks, Toby sat at the table working out
cost estimates as he waited for Victor. It was then the earth- shattering call
came in.
“Victor what’s wrong with you naw? Why are you taking
so long? Do you want to buy the whole depot? I don’t like this at…”
Toby’s rambling was cut short by a gruff hurried
“You sabi the person wey get this phone?”
“Yes, na my brother. Where he dey?”
Toby was already getting irritated by Victor’s
careless attitude. This goat has
misplaced his phone again.
The voice at the other end continued:
“Trailer march am, them carry am go specialist
That piece of tactlessly flung information sent Toby’s
world exploding with a crown of a mushroom cloud. Shock, disbelief, then fear
chased each other in quick succession. The harbinger of bad news continued to
talk his words had little effect.
(To be Continued)
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