Toby walked in a daze to into the bedroom, tears rolling down his cheeks. Victor’s black leather bound notebook caught his eyes, causing a torrent of tears. Picking it up,, he gingerly leafed through the pages of what turned out to be his best friends journal. Victor had recorded details of their time together in that black book. Reading through, Toby relived their lives together up till last week all through victor’s eyes; the quarrel with Rita, the breakup, the aftermath and how Victor had taken the fall for him. Toby let out a loud sob. Toby turned the pages to today’s date. The entry for today was written with a pencil in Victor’s trademark viney cursive. It read “I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck… I’m so so lethologic at the moment”. Lethologic? Toby knelt beside the bed and reached under for his drawing set. Flipping it open he picked out his pencil and eraser and then pushed the drawing set back beneath the bed. He took the notebook and went to the din...
This is my own slice off the web. Yea! I post my thoughts, poems, short stories, and my ideas here. What you see here are my perceptions of the world as it spins by every day. Have fun reading, feel free to share your thoughts with me too.