*I posted this on Facebook last year, just thought you should read it here too. Back in my undergraduate days, there was this Pawpaw that caught me eye. Hanging on a Pawpaw 'tree' a few metres from my front window it was the first thing I saw as I walked off to school in the cold lonely mornings and when I returned at dusk it was the first thing I looked out for. She lifted my tired spirits in no small measure. My Pawpaw was not yet ripe but I knew it was just a matter of time, soon I'll gladly harvest it. My Pawpaw. I considered it my Pawpaw because I was in pole position to lay claims to ownership, I had the right of first refusal . Hell, she's hanging a few metres from my door post, just within reach. I patiently watched as my Pawpaw grew big and acquired the curviness ripening Pawpaws put on while it slowly wore this new coat of yellow that indicated good health . "Ahh" , I thought thoughts of having this Pawpaw all to myself and wrung my hands in p...
This is my own slice off the web. Yea! I post my thoughts, poems, short stories, and my ideas here. What you see here are my perceptions of the world as it spins by every day. Have fun reading, feel free to share your thoughts with me too.