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Opportune Time

 I’ve always been fascinated by the concepts of chronos and kairos . Chronos refers to time that passes in a sequential, linear manner, while kairos is the opportune moment for something to happen. Many speakers and writers have shared a lot about this topic, and I’ve learned so much from them. From my personal experience, I’ve seen how missing these opportune moments can have a serious impact. The lessons I’ve learned are: You may never know when the opportune moment will come, so prepare yourself well. The opportune moment often comes in disguise, so always be on your best behaviour. Don’t make decisions lightly or carelessly. If you miss the moment once, learn from it and don’t repeat the same mistake. In conclusion, kairos can change the course of your life, but only if you’re ready for it. Time waits for no one, and the opportunities we’re given don’t always announce themselves. So, stay alert, work hard, and be prepared to seize that moment when it comes. Take action toda...
Recent posts

Good to be Back

It's been over a year since I made a post here. A lot has happened, some of which I'm going to write about. I've not decided yet. Whatever the case, I feel happy to be back to doing something I enjoy doing. However, before I make another post, I'll take time to read through all previous posts and relish them all. Ciao 🙂

The impermanence of life

 "Heaven and earth will pass away..."  The words of our Lord Jesus point out that this world is temporary. There are just a few constant things in this world, one of which is change. Change may often not be palatable but it is something we should learn to stomach. Governments change, people change, people die and feelings change. Get used to it. What do you do when faced with change? How do I react? React with positivity and a hopeful outlook. But my major concern is enjoying things while they are still here. Before things change, paying that visit, enjoying the days of bachelorhood, reading that book, making that call before the inevitable change happens.

The First Million

It is not in doubt that the second million is easier to make than the first. In fact, many people say the first million is the hardest to make. Back then when I was passing through the unemployment phase, a mentor of mine, advised me to start small saying “ It is easier to get a job when you are engaged with a job ”. Even Corporate Mach said something similar when he wrote that “ It is easier to get a laptop when you already have a laptop ” and he wasn't talking about laptops. I am not going to talk about Tech or money. Just wanted to put it out there that I agree fully. Ever since I presented my manifesto to my beloved, to which she accepted, the greenlight I have received from young ladies has been overwhelming. A certain acquaintance of mine who took upon herself Jezebelian inclinations even went further graphically describe her desires of me. It was quite wild and I get a running stomach anytime I think about it. But that’s not the point. The point is once you break even, t...

Audu and the Interesting Tale of 12 Mudus of Rice

The events detailed below were as told to me by Audu. I met Audu when I boarded his bus from Nasarawa Eggon to Lafia sometime this year. "God is always on the side of the Righteous" Audu declared as he shifted gears. "Let me give you a story to buttress my point" he added. I knew an interesting story was about to be spilled so I leaned back on my seat and turned my face towards him. A certain woman in Lafia had given Audu a bag containing rice to deliver to her sister in Nasarawa Eggon. She had paid him and had given Audu her sister's phone number so he could call when he arrived at Nasarawa Eggon. The journey between Nasarawa Eggon and Lafia is short. At most it takes 20 minutes, Reckless drivers do the trip in 12.  Upon arrival, Audu called the recipient and then arranged to meet. He then proceeded to get some rest, the recipient of the rice was going to come and meet him as he rested from his labors. Not long afterward a woman came and asked for the rice that...

Disclosing When I will Get Married (Another Treatise)

I interrupt a series that even I now find boring to address this important issue. I have heard reports and seen things that have necessitated this treatise. Apparently, this is a burning issue in the hearts and minds of my numerous friends and well-wishers. Being a child of God and a person with a large heart, I could not sit back and allow my loved ones to be eaten up by anxiety. Many have come out directly to ask me when I shall get married, others beat about the bush until the bush withered. A certain gentleman did not bother to ask, he took it a notch higher- he gave me an ultimatum! I understand that all of this is from a place of banter and for some a result of anxiety. I have good news for you, I am not getting married yet.  Daughters of Nigeria, weep no more. The weepy day is still abit far ahead.

Two Flames on a Candle (Episode 5)

Chima found himself in an abandoned Primary School peeping through bullet holes in a wall. The late afternoon heat seemed to be exacerbated by the ratatat of rifle gun fire. Beyond a broken fence in the distance, Chima could observe insurgents with their kaftans scurrying about with their heads bent. None however attempted to go through the broken wall. "Bastards, try and cross it now" Chima dared in his mind. Some foolhardy insurgent at the moment seemed to hear Chima's thoughts. He bravely crossed the wall and began to run towards the classroom where Chima was. Chima's rifle coughed twice and the insurgent slumped like a sack of beans. Other insurgents who were already charging saw what happened and retreated. Captain Damola who was was just transferred in from Damboa to head the unit stepped into the classroom.  "Well done, well done" he growled. Without saying anything more, he stepped out. Captain Damola was not a man of many words. Chima who had the du...